
Dear Partners,

Greetings! My dear friends, due to some well-known reasons, our company has relocated from a drone-producing country in the East to Laos. We are thrilled to inform you that despite the change in geography, our close partnership and connection will continue. We remain committed to providing our agents and dealers with excellent service and products.

To efficiently process your inquiries and quotations, please provide the following essential information when contacting us:

1.The name of your company.

2.Your name.

3.The country you are based in.

4.Your contact details (including email and phone number).

5.The model and quantity of drones you intend to purchase.

6.If you have any other custom requirements, please specify in detail.

We understand that accurate information will help us respond to your needs more quickly and ensure you receive the best service and products. Please ensure that the information provided is complete and accurate when contacting us.

We look forward to continuing our collaboration and collectively advancing drone technology.

Best regards,

by UD.1’s CEO  
